Privacy Policy
Shagadelic works with Google Forms for registrations. All your personal data is protected in Google Suite, the business version of Google Drive. This means Google does not get to use or sell your data for directing ads or any other (third party) use. Your data will be used solely for contacting you about the event you registered for. This may also include an email to remind you of registrations for next year’s event. All your personal data will be deleted 12 months after your last registration. This does NOT include pictures and videos.
During classes and parties, your teachers and/or especially appointed photographers and/or videographers may take pictures and videos that you can be in. These pictures and videos can be posted on social media, our website and may be used in print, such as posters, flyers and booklets. When registering for a Shagadelic, you will be asked to agree with our Terms and Conditions. In doing so, you agree to the use of these pictures and videos as stated.
Guests at socials and parties are encouraged to take pictures and videos and to share these online. Shagadelic and its organisers are in no way responsible for these materials.
Shagadelic Terms and ConditionsShagadelic Code of Conduct